
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Ep: 34 -"The Power That Leaders Possess."
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Episode 34 - The Power That Leaders Possess.
Fellow Fabricator, you possess enormous power and influence as a leader in your company.
The power to speak life and if your not careful, death into the lives of the folks you lead.

Friday Nov 02, 2018
Ep: 33 - "The Power of Imposing Order"
Friday Nov 02, 2018
Friday Nov 02, 2018
The Power of Imposing Order
Chaos is always pressing in on your operation and its effects are negative.
But you can and should push back!
By doing so, you will:
1. Improve your profits
2. Keep more promises
3. Create a powerfully positive work environment for your team.
Enjoy and happy fabricating!

Friday Oct 26, 2018
Ep: 32 - "The Power of Peer Learning and the Value of Trade Associations"
Friday Oct 26, 2018
Friday Oct 26, 2018
Episode 32
The Power of Peer Learning and the Value of Trade Associations
In this episode, I explain the value of peer to peer learning and share why I have avoided it for so long.

Thursday Oct 18, 2018
Ep: 31 - "Loose Ends and Why you Must Tie them Down!"
Thursday Oct 18, 2018
Thursday Oct 18, 2018
Episode 31 - Loose Ends and Why you Must Tie them Down!
In business and in life, situations exist where we have the choice to deal with them or ignore them.
When we face them and deal with them in a timely fashion, they are much less likely to blow up in our face or blow away.
In this episode we discuss:
1. Confronting Behavior Issues in Employees
2. Maintaining Business Systems and Equipment
3. Restoring Relationships outside of work
Enjoy and Happy Fabricating!

Friday Oct 12, 2018
Ep: 30 - "Beware The Silver Bullet Syndrome"
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018

Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Ep: 29 - "The Cause of Company Conflict"
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Episode 29 - The Cause of Company Conflict
If there's tension or even open warfare between the departments in your company, it might be natural and normal.
In this episode, we discuss why that conflict exists and how understanding it helps to make it better!
Special Thanks to this weeks sponsor, the "International Surface Fabricators Association". For more information about ISFA visit them here ISFA

Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
Ep: 28 - "What Not To Do"
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018
Episode 28 - "What Not To Do"
When reality hits a department, it's important to make sure everyone in every position knows what to do.
but...its equally important that they know "what not to do".
here's why:
1. anxiety, apprehension, stress, and frustration increases drag on productivity and increased turnover.
2. guarantees that there is a lack of clarity in other departments
3. opens the door for inter-department conflict.

Wednesday Sep 19, 2018
Ep: 27 - "How to Get There"
Wednesday Sep 19, 2018
Wednesday Sep 19, 2018
Fab Lab Podcast episode 27
How to Get There
Where are you going? Better yet, where is your company going? Have you thought about that recently?
Well to be honest, neither had I, until I started preparing for this episode and it's really clarified some things!
In this episode we will discuss the following:
1. The destination
2. The market and demand
3. Your business systems
4. Core Values
5. Your wisdom and experience
These are all necessary to get to wherever you are going to lead your company.
Running a stone shop is hard. We make it Easier.
Fabricators Friend offers resources to help you reduce frustration and increase profits in your stone shop.
Less Chaos More Cash is Aaron Crowley’s “how to” book on using a simple PROcess that shows you step by step how to make sure that critical tasks are done right and on time in your stone shop. Aarons book is available here: Less Chaos More Cash

Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Ep: 26 - "Digital Marketing 101 - For Stone Shops"
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Digital Marketing 101 - For Stone Shops
If you don't make the transition to digital marketing, your stone shop will be left behind.
In this episode we cover the basics of this revolution in 3 areas:
1. Social Media
2. Websites
3. Email
Most small business owners don't understand fully how to use these 3 dimensions of the internet to their benefit, but they haven't heard this episode of the Fab Lab Podcast!
Running a stone shop is hard. We make it Easier.
Fabricators Friend offers resources to help you reduce frustration and increase profits in your stone shop.
Less Chaos More Cash is Aaron Crowley’s “how to” book on using a simple PROcess that shows you step by step how to make sure that critical tasks are done right and on time in your stone shop. Aarons book is available here: Less Chaos More Cash

Wednesday Sep 05, 2018
Ep: 25 - "Why I Need Mentors, Coaches, and Counselors!"
Wednesday Sep 05, 2018
Wednesday Sep 05, 2018
Why I Need Mentors, Coaches, and Counselors!
Some situations are so tough and so dark that they require perspective and wisdom that we as owners don't have.
In those situations, mentors, coaches, and counselors are a priceless resource. In this episode, Aaron Crowley shares just such a situation.
Running a stone shop is hard. We make it Easier.
Fabricators Friend offers resources to help you reduce frustration and increase profits in your stone shop.
Less Chaos More Cash is Aaron Crowley’s “how to” book on using a simple PROcess that shows you step by step how to make sure that critical tasks are done right and on time in your stone shop. Aarons book is available here: Less Chaos More Cash