
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Ep: 24 - "Company Motto and Core Values"
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Sometimes our employees are faced with challenges that nobody could predict…and thus no rulebook exists for handling them.
If you’re there, they can ask you what to do. But what happens when you’re not there to ask?
That’s where Company Motto and Core Values come in.
Here's the PDF of our Mission, Vision, and Values.
Running a stone shop is hard. We make it Easier.
Fabricators Friend offers resources to help you reduce frustration and increase profits in your stone shop.
Less Chaos More Cash is Aaron Crowley’s “how to” book on using a simple PROcess that shows you step by step how to make sure that critical tasks are done right and on time in your stone shop. Aarons book is available here: Less Chaos More Cash

Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
Ep: 23 - "How to Work Less and Accomplish More by Delegation."
Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
How to Delegate: working less and accomplishing more.
Yes its true, you can work less and get more done when you delegate to your awesome crew.
We discuss it in detail on this episode of the Fab Lab Podcast.
How to Select the Task to Delegate
How to Prepare for Delegation
How to Implement and Follow up
Running a stone shop is hard. We make it Easier.
Fabricators Friend offers resources to help you reduce frustration and increase profits in your stone shop.
Less Chaos More Cash is Aaron Crowley’s “how to” book on using a simple PROcess that shows you step by step how to make sure that critical tasks are done right and on time in your stone shop. Aarons book is available here: Less Chaos More Cash

Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Ep: 22 - "3 Reasons Why You Must Delegate"
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
3 Reasons Why You Must Delegate
For maximum impact and potential, owners and leaders must learn to delegate.
Here's why:
1. Maximize performance in each department
2. Makes difficult decisions easier
3. Freedom - to rest
Check out the latest episode and learn why you must delegate.
And...listen to the end for the contest, the first person to implement the PROcess and delegate a task wins a Deluxe Bullet Proof Arpon!
Enjoy :)
Running a stone shop is hard. We make it Easier.
Fabricators Friend offers resources to help you reduce frustration and increase profits in your stone shop.
Less Chaos More Cash is Aaron Crowley’s “how to” book on using a simple PROcess that shows you step by step how to make sure that critical tasks are done right and on time in your stone shop. Aarons book is available here: Less Chaos More Cash

Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Ep: 21 - "Getting the Most out of Your Crew"
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Episode 21: Getting the Most out of Your Crew
Your great crew is capable of so much! Maybe more than they're currently producing.
You can lead them to their maximum potential with these 3 leadership principles and your company will benefit!
1. Appeal in Mutual Respect
2. Assume Responsibility for the Results
3. Always Remember you're Equals
Thanks for tuning in and if you'd like to download our PROcess templates to help you more effectively lead your company or department, click this link!
Running a stone shop is hard. We make it Easier.
Fabricators Friend offers resources to help you reduce frustration and increase profits in your stone shop.
Less Chaos More Cash is Aaron Crowley’s “how to” book on using a simple PROcess that shows you step by step how to make sure that critical tasks are done right and on time in your stone shop. Aarons book is available here: Less Chaos More Cash

Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Ep: 20 - "Hiring, Training, and Retaining the Best Employees"
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Episode 20 - Hiring, Training, and Retaining the Best Employees
If you're going to take full advantage of the current economic boom, then having the best employees us a must!
1. Hire - What you believe about the current labor market is CRITICAL!
2. Train - Explaining, documenting, and reminding new employees of the standards and the results.
3. Retaining - The 3 P's of Retention are Purpose, Peace, and Profit Potential
Running a stone shop is hard. We make it Easier.
Fabricators Friend offers resources to help you reduce frustration and increase profits in your stone shop.
Less Chaos More Cash is Aaron Crowley’s “how to” book on using a simple PROcess that shows you step by step how to make sure that critical tasks are done right and on time in your stone shop. Aarons book is available here: Less Chaos More Cash

Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Ep: 19 - "3 Reasons Why You MUST Not Give Up"
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Episode 19
3 Reasons Why You MUST Not Give Up
Running a stone shop is HARD, and life, in general, is no picnic. Sometimes we are tempted to give up as it appears the best and only option.
But Don't Give Up!
At least until you've listened to this episode of the Fab Lab Podcast!
Running a stone shop is hard. We make it Easier.
Fabricators Friend offers resources to help you reduce frustration and increase profits in your stone shop.
Less Chaos More Cash is Aaron Crowley’s “how to” book on using a simple PROcess that shows you step by step how to make sure that critical tasks are done right and on time in your stone shop. Aarons book is available here: Less Chaos More Cash
Connect with us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Ep: 18 - "7 Dangers of Dealer Work"
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Episode 18 - 7 Dangers of Dealer Work
There are 7 distinct dangers inherent in all dealer work, so keep these in mind as you pursue profitability and prosperity in your stone shop!
1. Low Low Margin
2. Volatile
3. Dictating Schedules
4. 30-60 Day payment terms
5. All or Nothing
6. Square Foot Simplicity Trap
7. Communication and Education Breakdown
Watch Video Series:
Radical Retail Sales - download 3 video series now on fabricatorsfriend.com and select "Sales Seminar" tab at top of the homepage.
Running a stone shop is hard. We make it Easier.
Fabricators Friend offers resources to help you reduce frustration and increase profits in your stone shop.
Less Chaos More Cash is Aaron Crowley’s “how to” book on using a simple PROcess that shows you step by step how to make sure that critical tasks are done right and on time in your stone shop. Aarons book is available here: Less Chaos More Cash

Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
Ep: 17 - "Blue Ocean Strategy & Direct to Consumer Models"
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
Blue Ocean Strategy & Direct to Consumer Models
1. Yellow Tail Wine case study
2. Unconventional Thinking
3. Direct to Consumer Model for fabricators.
Watch Video Series:
Radical Retail Sales - download 3 video series now on fabricatorsfriend.com and select "Sales Seminar" tab at top of the homepage.
Running a stone shop is hard. We make it Easier.
Fabricators Friend offers resources to help you reduce frustration and increase profits in your stone shop.
Less Chaos More Cash is Aaron Crowley’s “how to” book on using a simple PROcess that shows you step by step how to make sure that critical tasks are done right and on time in your stone shop. Aarons book is available here: Less Chaos More Cash

Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
Ep: 16 - "Happy 4th of July"
Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
Happy 4th of July!
In this episode we celebrate the freedom we have to start and run businesses. We also discuss the opportunity to free ourselves from our companies thru effective delegation.
Download the first 3 chapters of Less Chaos More Cash here:
Running a stone shop is hard. We make it Easier.
Fabricators Friend offers resources to help you reduce frustration and increase profits in your stone shop.
Less Chaos More Cash is Aaron Crowley’s “how to” book on using a simple PROcess that shows you step by step how to make sure that critical tasks are done right and on time in your stone shop. Aarons book is available here: Less Chaos More Cash

Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Ep: 15 - Interview with Eric Rolseth of FillAChip
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Tuesday Jul 03, 2018
Aaron sits down with Eric Rolseth (of www.FillAChip.com) for a great interview. You won't want to miss this episode.
Running a stone shop is hard. We make it Easier.
Fabricators Friend offers resources to help you reduce frustration and increase profits in your stone shop.
Less Chaos More Cash is Aaron Crowley’s “how to” book on using a simple PROcess that shows you step by step how to make sure that critical tasks are done right and on time in your stone shop. Aarons book is available here: Less Chaos More Cash